Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Crazy Morning...

Hey everyone,

So this morning started out horribly. I wanted to crawl into a hole. Heres the story. So I had lecture at 9 this morning. I woke up with more than enough time to spare, and I think that made my kind of go a little slow getting ready, so I ended up leaving later than I usually would have. Also, traffic this morning seemed to be particularly horrible. Theres usually a lot of cars, but not stop and go like it was this morning. So I finally get to the hospital, and I head over to where the room for lecture is, and theres a door I have to go through on the way, and its locked. So I ring the little doorbell 3-4 times and nobody ever comes to let me in. A few minutes later someone else from my class shows up, and she ends up texting someone from my class, and come to find out, they had changed the location of the lecture, and it was at a completely different hospital. So we had to jump back in the car and drive to the other hospital. I ended up being 30 minutes late, but fortunately, it wasn't that big of a deal, so that was good. It was just all very stressful! And not to mention the humidity was horrible today so after doing all this walking back and forth outside my hair became a big poofball. Luckily, the day got much better from that point on, and ended okay :-)

Also, today is my kitty's birthday, she is 4 years old. We rescued her when she was about 2, and she is the perfect cat. She loves attention, and is always around us. She loves curling up and taking naps with me after "work," and she greats me at the door when I come home. She is the perfect mix of playful and lazy. She cracks me up sometimes when she runs around like a crazy maniac, and when she jumps up in the air chasing her tail. I could easily watch her do it all day. I could not have asked for a better kitty, and I am so happy to have my little peanut. Happy Birthday to Jezzibelle!

Here's an OOTD from yesterday and today. I seem to be very in to the teal and greens right now, as is evident by the fact that I've worn it for the fast 3 days... Eh, can't help if its what I like right now :-)


OOTD 8/3/11

Have a great day!

XOXO Jennifer

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